
Preface ............................................................ vii
1 Introduction
1.1 Why Migrate?............................................... 1–1
1.2 Goals and Nongoals . . ........................................ 1–2
1.3 Reading Guidelines . . ........................................ 1–2
2 Installation
2.1 Cleaning Up the Old Version 2 Environment ....................... 2–1
2.2 Preserving the Old Environment ................................ 2–2
2.3 Can Both RTR Version 2 and Version 3 Coexist On the Same Node? ..... 2–2
2.4 Can RTR Version 2 and Version 3 Applications Coexist on the Same
Node? ..................................................... 2–2
2.5 Process Quotas .............................................. 2–2
2.6 Journal Issues .............................................. 2–3
2.6.1 Removing the Old Journal . . ................................ 2–4
2.6.2 Journal Compatibility ..................................... 2–4
2.6.3 Location and Naming Conventions ........................... 2–4
2.7 Rights and Privileges . ........................................ 2–4
2.8 Memory and Disk Requirements ................................ 2–4
2.9 Rollback to RTR Version 2 ..................................... 2–5
3 Architectural Changes
3.1 RTR Daemon Process . ........................................ 3–1
3.2 Command Server Process ...................................... 3–1
3.3 The Shared Library (LIBRTR.EXE) .............................. 3–1
3.4 The ACP Process ............................................ 3–2
3.5 Interprocess Communication . . . ................................ 3–2
3.6 Shared Memory Parameters . . . ................................ 3–2
3.7 Counters . . ................................................ 3–2
3.8 Quorum Issues .............................................. 3–3
3.9 Server-Process Partition States . ................................ 3–3
4 Network Issues
4.1 DECnet Support............................................. 4–1
4.2 TCP/IP Support ............................................. 4–1
4.3 Specifying a Preferred Transport ................................ 4–2
4.3.1 Supported Products ....................................... 4–2