information about installing and using webman, see the following file on the
Documentation CD–ROM:
See Section 1.4.1 for information about the Documentation CD–ROM.
6.1.3 Using the xman Command
The xman command starts an X Window System reference-page browsing
tool. One function of the tool is to display a list of the reference pages. You
display a reference page by double-clicking on its name in the list. For more
information about the xman command, start the application by entering the
following command:
% xman &
The ampersand (&) runs the command in the background, allowing the
command line to be used for other tasks. The application displays a small
window that contains three buttons. Click on the Manual Page button to
read a reference page about the xman command.
6.1.4 Using the man Command
The man command displays the reference page specified on the man command
line. For more information about the man command, read the man
reference page. To display this reference page, enter the following command:
% man man
6.2 Reading Reference Pages in Printed Books
Compaq provides a separately orderable Reference Pages Documentation
Set. In this printed format, the Reference Page books are grouped according
to their sections, each of which contains one or more volumes. The books
contain an R on the spines to help you quickly identify them as reference
page books.
______________________ Note _______________________
The Reference Page Kit has not been updated since Version
5.0. Therefore, the online reference pages provide more current
information than the printed books.
6–2 Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages