6 DA-10051-00A-008 — 02.28.2000
Compaq AlphaServer GS140
Step 6 −
− Storage Adapters/Controllers −
− Optional (continued)
Note: For installed systems that include KFTIA I/O modules, the KFTIA includes one single-ended port and three
fast wide differential ports for a total of four SCSI buses per module.
Maximum # Supported
Tru64 UNIX OpenVMS
PCI/System PCI/System
PCI Fibre Channel adapter (KGPSA-BC) (uses one PCI slot); Tru64
V4.0F and OpenVMS V7.2-1 support eight per system; requires Fibre
Channel cable; (SN-PBXNP-AC not currently supported in same
system under OpenVMS)
8/8 8/8
Fibre Channel cable (BNGBX-xx) xx=02, 05, 15, 30, 50 meters
x=1, 2, 3, 4, 5
PCI 1-port UltraSCSI single-ended adapter (uses one PCI slot) 8/64 8/26
PCI 1-port UltraSCSI differential host adapter (uses one PCI slot) 8/64 8/26
1-m VHDCI male-to-68 pin HD male UltraSCSI cable, connects KZPBA-
Cx to BA670 in system cabinet (rear)
2-m VHDCI male-to-68 pin HD male UltraSCSI cable, connects KZPBA-
Cx to BA670 in system cabinet (front)
3-m VHDCI male-to-68 pin HD male UltraSCSI cable, connects KZPBA to
I/O expansion cabinet
5-m VHDCI male-to-68 pin HD male UltraSCSI cable, connects KZPBA to
I/O expansion cabinet
PCI 1-port RAID (FWSE) controller (UltraSCSI-ready) with 4-MB cache
memory (uses one PCI slot); allows RAID levels 0, 0+1, 1, 5; includes
RAID Array 230/plus subsystem software and documentation kit; EIS
bridge option with floppy diskette drive required to run RCU; tape and
optical drives not supported; four per PCI, maximum of four per system
4/4 4/4
PCI 3-port RAID (FWSE) controller (UltraSCSI-ready) with 4-MB cache
memory (uses two PCI slots); allows RAID levels 0, 0+1, 1, 5; includes
RAID/Array 230/plus subsystem software and documentation kit; EIS
bridge option with floppy diskette drive required to run RCU; tape and
optical drives not supported; four per PCI, maximum of four per
system, requires BN31K-0E or KZPAC-SB for third-port connection
4/4 4/4
PCI 3-port RAID (FWSE) controller (UltraSCSI-ready) with 8-MB cache
memory (uses two PCI slots); allows RAID levels 0, 0+1, 1, 5; includes
RAID/Array 230/plus subsystem software and documentation kit; EISA
bridge option with floppy diskette drive required to run RCU; tape and
optical drives not supported; four per PCI, maximum four per system,
requires BN31K-0E or KZPAC-SB for third-port connection
4/4 4/4
SCSI cable/bulkhead assembly kit with two ports for KZPAC-CA/CB,
allows connection of two third port outputs using one PCI bulkhead
SCSI cable/bulkhead assembly kit with one port for KZPAC-CA/CB,
allows connection of one third port output using one PCI bulkhead slot
1-m VHDCI male-to-VHDCI male UltraSCSI cable, connects KZPAC to
front-mounted StorageWorks shelf.
2-m VHDCI male-to-VHDCI male UltraSCSI cable, connects KZPAC to
rear-mounted StorageWorks shelf.
Battery backup for cache memory option for KZPAC controller,
recommended for all KZPAC controllers
8-MB cache memory option; upgrades KZPAC-CA to KZPAC-CB, field
installable only