¡áHard Drive
If you have more than one hard drive, select “Hard Drive” from the
B o o t M e n u .
Select the hard drive to use for booting by using the up-and-down arro w s .
Then move it to the toop of this list using the <+> key.
¡áRemovable Devicses
If you have more than one removable device, select “Removable Devices”
f r om the Boot Menu. Select the removable device to use for booting by using
the up-and-down arro w s .
Then move it to the top of this list using the <+> key.
¡áQuickBoot Mode
By skipping a few tests for booting, Quick Boot mode reduces system
booting time.
¡áSummary screen
Display system configuration on boot.
BIOS Setup
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