
ProMaster 2500 V8.7 User Notes 8
3 On the FORMAT DISK screen, move the cursor to “Are you sure (Y/N)?” and press Y.
4 Insert a blank 1.44 MB floppy disk into the floppy disk drive on your programmer. Press
ENTER on your keyboard to format the floppy disk.
5 Repeat the formatting process for the remainder of the disks.
6 Insert the “UniFam 8.7/TaskLink 7.30” CD into your PC's CD-ROM drive.
7 Browse to the 'X:\floppies\auto_v87' directory (where X is the CD-ROM drive).
Note: When you insert the “UniFam 8.7/TaskLink 7.30” CD into your PC, the
TaskLink v6.1 install program will auto-launch. You may either install
TaskLink at this time, or cancel and install it at a later time.
8 Click on the first file in the directory to launch the WinImage Self Extractor.
9 A status window will pop up describing the disk contents for this image. To create a label
for the disk, copy the content information from the monitor onto a floppy diskette label for
use in Step 11 below.
Status window describing disk contents
10 When prompted, insert a disk (formatted as described above) into your PC's floppy diskette
drive. Click OK to start the disk creation process.
11 After the disk is created, attach the floppy diskette label.
12 Repeat Step 8 through Step 11 and select the next file in the directory until you have
completed the entire disk set.