36 使用入门指南
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The system is not configured for SNMP management by default. To
manage the switch using SNMP (required for Dell Open Manage Network
Manager) you can:(默认情况下,系统未配置为使用 SNMP 管理。要使用 SNMP
管理交换机 [Dell Open Manage Network Manager 要求
o Set up the initial SNMP version 1 & 2 now.
(立即设置初始 SNMP 版本 1 和
o Return later and set up other SNMP accounts. (For more information
on setting up an SNMP version 3 account, see the user
documentation).(稍后返回,然后设置其它 SNMP 帐户。
有关设置 SNMP 版本 3 帐户的详情,请参阅用户说明文件)。
Would you like to configure the SNMP management interface now?
(是否立即配置 SNMP 管理界面?) [Y/N](是/否)y(是)<Enter>
To configure the SNMP management account you must specify the
management system IP address and the "community string" or
password that the particular management system uses to access the
switch. The wizard automatically assigns the highest access level
[Privilege Level 15] to this account. You can use Dell Open Manage
Network Manager or other management interfaces to change this
setting and to add additional management systems later. For more
information on adding management systems, see the User’s Guide.
(要配置 SNMP 管理帐户,必须指定管理系统 IP 地址,以及“团体字符串”或特定管理系
15]。可以使用 Dell Open Manage Network Manager 或其它管理界面更改这一设
To add a management station:(要添加管理站:)
Please enter the SNMP community string to be used
SNMP 团体字符串
注:如果已配置,默认访问级别将设置为用于访问 SNMP 管理界面的最高权限级别。
最初将仅激活 SNMPv1/2c。将禁用 SNMPv3,直至返回而为 SNMPv3 配置安全访问
(例如引擎 ID,查看等)。
Please enter the IP address of the Management System (A.B.C.D)
or wildcard ( to manage from any Management Station
{}:(请输入管理系统的 IP 地址 [A.B.C.D] 或通配符 []
以便从任何管理站 {} 进行管理:)<Enter>