Powerful Solutions for Digital Plants
MYNAH Technologies 504 Trade Center Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 Telephone 636 681-1555 Fax 636 681-1660
For floating point values, the starting address refers to the register number and a 4 byte
value is read/written. For all other tables, the starting address refers to the register
number and a 2 byte value is read/written.
1. DeviceDataTypes 7 and 10 are only valid with file type 3 and output mode 1.
2. Output Modes : 0- block output; 1- single data output
3. PLC 5/XX Binary File Types only work in output mode 0, block outputs. To write single bit values in a
multi-bit dataset use DeviceDataType 7 or 10 with output mode 1.
4. Floating Point file types, 32-bit Integer, and 32-bit unsigned Integer require 2 16-bit registers per value,
thus reducing the registers per dataset to 50 (maximum 16-bit registers per dataset is 100).