4. Tablet Sync set-up
iTunes Setup
Here are a few settings that should be changed in iTunes to make it work best with the cart
and iPads.
1.Open the iTunes application on your master laptop. Select Preferences from the Edit menu.
On the General pane, uncheck “Check for new software updates automatically”. This keeps
the automatic update process from interfering with the syncing process. You can still check
for iOS updates by manually clicking on the Check for Updates button on the individual
iPad screens. For more on iOS updates, see the iOS Update section below.
2.Next, click on the Device icon. Make sure
none of the options are selected. The
screen should look like this when
complete. Click OK to save your changes.
3.Prepare your iTunes library by downloading
the Apps, Books, Music, etc that you intend
to copy to your iPads.
iPad Setup
Before starting the syncing process, each individual iPad needs to be configured to work with
iTunes and the cart correctly. This can be done by plugging each device into the master syncing
laptop one unit at a time, or you can plug one unit in at a time within the cart. To speed up the
syncing process when syncing multiple devices, Apple suggests disabling automatic backups. This
can be accomplished using Apple Terminal or a third party software.
1.Setup your master laptop on top of the cart. Plug the laptop into the auxiliary outlet
and the USB cable into the auxiliary USB plug. Plug the cart power cord into a wall outlet.
2.Select one iPad. We recommend setting your screen brightness at half level or less as the
screen does stay on during much of the syncing process. Go to Settings and select
Brightness. Click Auto-Brightness so it turns to Off. Slide the brightness slide to the left so
it is positioned halfway between dim and bright.
3.Plug iPad into the cart.
NOTE: If connected to a PC, during this time drivers will be loading, so
wait until you get the message that your device is ready to use
before proceeding to step 4.
4.Open iTunes if it does not open automatically. Select your iPad
device from the Device table on the left side of the screen.
5.The iPad registration screen will come up. Follow the prompts to
log in or create an Apple ID and name your iPad.
6.Click on the Summary tab.
Select “Open iTunes when
this iPad is connected” and
“Sync only checked songs
and videos”. Verify “Manually
manage music and videos”
is not selected (this function
would require you to drag
and drop your selections to
each iPad).
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