Elo TouchSystems 1525L Computer Monitor User Manual

MagTek Device Drivers for Windows
Receive data from the device.
/rawrecv 45<LF>
If a command is already pending.
/rawrecv 82<LF>
If the command was canceled by the user (e.g., with CLEAR key)
This command overrides the default processing of the next message that comes from
the device and returns it to the application as a
rawrecv response. Only one
message from the device will be processed in this manner, after that the driver
switches to normal operation. The response to this command is in the following
format: /rawrecv status x
status is a 2-digit decimal value (refer to Appendix C. Status Codes for a
complete description of the status values)
x is the data received from the device with the following characters replaced:
<CR> is replaced by \r
<LF> is replaced by \n
\ is replaced by \\
any other non-printable characters are replaced by \xhh, where hh is the
two digit hex code of the character.
If a
/rawsend command is sent that will cause the device to send back a response,
the application should either submit a /rawrecv command before sending the data
with /rawsend, or (better) use the /rawxact command.
In some cases, the framing characters in the response
are extracted by the driver and are not presented to
the application.
To receive card data when the IntelliPIN is operating in the VeriFone mode:
/rawrecv 00 ;12345?<LF>