5.2 USB Port Communication
The standard B-type USB port is used to connect the UPS and network server or other computer
system using Liebert
. Configuration program can be accessed through the
communication port.
5.2.1 Configuration Program
Accessing the Configuration Program via USB is a new feature of the Liebert GXT3
. For most users,
the factory default settings will be adequate. This section illustrates the features available for
modification, as well as the factory default setting.
The USB configuration program allows these features of the Liebert GXT3 to be changed:
• Enable/Disable Auto-Restart
• Select frequency converter operation with a fixed output frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz, bypass dis-
• Set the Low Battery Warning alarm time from 2 to 30 minutes
• Enable/Disable the Auto-Battery test
• Enable/Disable Auto-Restart after removing Remote Shutdown
• Set the wiring mode of Remote Shutdown
• Set the Auto-Enable output
• Set the Auto-Battery test to 7, 14, 21 or 28 days
• Select the number of external battery cabinets connected to the UPS to adjust the remaining run
time calculated by Liebert software products
• Select one of multiple output voltages to match various voltages, see Table 6.
The output voltage settings cannot be changed while the UPS is On and powering connected
Table 6 Output voltage option
UPS Model
Default, VAC Output Voltage Option, VAC
GXT3-500RT120 - GXT3-3000RT120
120 110, 115, 120 and 127
GXT3-3000RT208 208 208 / 220 / 230 / 240
For all 120V models, when the output voltage is programmed for 110VAC, the UPS will be
automatically derated as follows (refer to 9.0 - Specifications for VA and watt ratings):
• 500VA - 1000VA: derated to 95% of both the VA and Watt ratings
• 1500VA - 3000VA: derated to 90% of both the VA and Watt ratings
• This program is compatible with UPS models beginning with ‘GXT3’, as in ‘GXT3-
3000RT120.’ It is not compatible with earlier versions of the Liebert GXT UPS.
• A computer running Windows 2000
, XP
or Vista
is required to set up and run the
configuration program.