Emerson 7400 Power Supply User Manual

Series 7400 Single Phase 1+N UPS
In 25kVA to 125 kVA module installations the batteries associated
with the UPS equipment are usually contained in a purpose-built
battery cabinet/ rack which sits alongside the main UPS equipment.
Sealed, maintenance-free batteries are normally used in this type
of installation.
Due to their increased capacity, the batteries associated with
larger UPS installations are usually too big to be mounted in a
single cabinet and are either rack mounted or fitted in multiple, or
bespoke, battery cabinets. Such installations may utilise non-
sealed lead acid cells, requiring regular attention and impose their
own environmental requirements.
Pedestals are required for the battery cabinets when they are
located on raised floors, in the same way as for the UPS cabinets.
Where battery racks are used, they should be sited and assembled
in accordance with the battery manufacturer’s recommendations.
In general, batteries require a well ventilated, clean and dry
environment at reasonable temperatures to obtain efficient battery
Battery manufacturers’ literature provide detailed safety measures
to be observed when employing large battery banks and these
should be studied and the proposed battery installation checked to
verify compliance with the appropriate recommendations.
The batteries are connected to the UPS through a circuit breaker
which is manually closed and electronically tripped via the UPS
control circuitry. If the batteries are cabinet-mounted this circuit
breaker is fitted within the cabinet; however, if the batteries are
rack-mounted or otherwise located remote to the main UPS
cabinet then the battery circuit breaker must be mounted as near
as possible to the batteries themselves, and the power and control
cables connected to the UPS using the most direct route possible.
Emerson Network Power (India) Pvt. Ltd. offer a purpose-designed
remote battery circuit breaker box, containing the circuit breaker
and its necessary control board, as a standard option kit.
3.2 Preliminary Checks
Before you install the UPS hardware you should carry out the
following preliminary checks:
1. Verify that the UPS room satisfies the environmental conditions
stipulated in the equipment specification, paying particular
attention to the ambient temperature and air exchange system.
2. Remove any packaging devices debris then visually examine
the UPS and battery equipment for transit damage, both
internally and externally. Report any such damage to the
shipper immediately.
3. Verify that the shipment is complete -e.g. that the battery
contains the correct number of cells etc. Report any
discrepancy immediately.
4. When you are satisfied that the equipment is complete and in
good condition move it to its proposed final position.
3.1.3 Battery Location