INSTALLATION (continued)
1 --- 8
these lights
these buttons
step 2 step 4
If this light is on, the buttons will not
work until the controls are unlocked.
If this light is blinking, the user
controls are unlocked for 5 minutes.
Pressfor 15Sec.
Figure 1-15. User controls and indicators.
3 --- Electrical Operation
This procedure will check the electrical operation of the
automatic transfer switch. See Figure 1–15.
Be sure to close the enclosure door
before proceeding to prevent personal injury
in case of electrical system f ault.
Transfer Te st
Both normal and emergency sources must be available
and the emergency source generator (if used) must be
capable of being started in this procedure.
Performsteps 1 through 5 at the right. Observe thestatus
● Black circle means light is on.
❍ White circle means light is off.
If the User Controls Locked light is on, the Transfer Test
and Retransfer to Normal buttons will not work until you
unlock them.
How to unlock the User Controls
Press up or down arrow keys on Transfer Control
Center (Group 5 Controller), enterthe password, and
press Enter key. The user controls are now unlocked
for 5 minutes. During that time the light will blink.
To lock or unlock the user controls refer to the Group 5
Controller User’s Guide 381333–126. Password informa-
tion and time delay settings are also provided there.
This completes the functional test of the ATS.
The two left lights should be on;
the normal source Accepted
(upper left) and the Transfer
Switch Position connected to
normal (lower left) should be on.
Press and hold the Transfer Test
button until the generator starts
and runs (this should happen
within 15 sec.). The emergency
source Accepted light (upper
right) should come on.
Then the transfer switch should
operate to emergency.
The Transfer Switch Position
connected to emergency light
(lower right) should come on and
the connected to normal light
(lower left) should be off.
to emergency will occur after the
time delay.
The transfer switch should
operate back to normal after
the Retransfer to Normal button.
The Transfer Switch Position
connected to normal light
(lower left) should come on and
the connected to emergency
(lower right) light should be off.
The generator will stop after
running engine cooldown).
The emergency source Accepted
light (upper right) should go off.