3-3 Series 300 ATSs Connectivity Module
Detail Screen for Series 300 ATSs
The Detail Screen for Series 300 ATSs shows the switch location, ratings, timer
settings, actual timer values, pickup and dropout settings, and other status indications.
Detail Screen for Series 300 ATSs with a Power Manager
The Detail Screen for Series 300 ATSs with a Power Manager is the same as above
and adds information from the PM (voltage, current, power, and rating).
Detail Screen for Series 300 ATSs with a Digital Power Meter
The Detail Screen for Series 300 ATSs with a Digital Power Meter is the same as
above and adds information from the DPM (voltage, current, power, and rating).
Actual voltage
reading from
TS controller.
Load connected to Normal or Emergency Source
Engine start signal
(red means active)
ATS location
Status of Normal SourceATS name
Voltage &
settings in ATS
Status of
Emergency Source
Actual voltage
& frequency
readings from
ATS controller.
Voltage &
settings in ATS
ATS type
time dela
Active time delays
ATS one-line icon shows position & source status (green or red circle
means source is acceptable, grey circle means source is not acceptable)