Emerson Series 600 Power Supply User Manual

UPS Interconnection Kits
Appendix A.2.4 Liebert FS Configuration - Single Liebert FS on Liebert Series 610/600T/600 DC Bus
The following Software Control Parameters must be set when the Liebert FS is connected to the DC
bus of the Liebert Series 610/600T/600 UPS system.
Instructions to set these parameters on the Liebert FS are in 6.5.3 - Control Parameters Setup at
Initial System Startup.
Appendix A.2.5 Liebert FS Configuration - Multiple Liebert FS Units on Liebert Series 610/600T/600
DC Bus
The Liebert FS Software Control Parameters must be reset when multiple Liebert FS units are con-
nected in parallel on the DC bus of a Liebert Series 610/600T/600 UPS system.
Instructions to set these parameters on the Liebert FS are in 6.5.3 - Control Parameters Setup at
Initial System Startup.
Multiple Liebert FS Parallel Operation - Regular Configuration with Liebert Series 610/
The Liebert FS Software Control Parameters must be reset when multiple Liebert FS units are con-
nected in parallel on the DC bus of a Liebert Series 610/600T/600 UPS system for proper operation
with longer run times or higher backup power requirements. The Liebert FS units will contribute all
together at the same time to the task of supporting the UPS DC bus.
The Software Control Parameter values specified below are recommended. These values may
require adjustments due to the battery type. These must be used unless otherwise specified by
the Liebert-certified service technician at initial system startup.
Table 20 Liebert FS Software Control Parameter settings
Liebert FS Software Control Parameter Setting
Charge Voltage 520VDC
Regulation Voltage 510VDC
Vreg Delta 0VDC
Maximum Charge Current See Table 21
Charge Amps/Volts See Table 21
Table 21 Liebert FS Software Control Parameters varying with UPS size
UPS Output Rating (kVA) 65 80 100 125 150
Liebert FS Maximum Charge Current (A) 25 31 39 49 50
Liebert FS Charge Amps/Volts (A/V) 1.7 2.1 2.6 3.3 3.4
This configuration is recommended for UPS models with output power levels greater than
150 kVA (i.e., 225, 300, 400, 450, 500, 625, 750 and 1,000 kVA).
In this configuration, the UPS DC bus usually does NOT have batteries in parallel with the
Liebert FS units, however, parallel operation with batteries is acceptable. If batteries to be used
are in parallel with the Liebert FS units on the UPS DC bus, contact your local Liebert sales
representative to arrange a review of the application.
Your Liebert-certified service technician will configure the Software Control Parameter values
at initial system startup depending on the number of paralleled units.