44 Chapter 5 Operating Instructions
HIPULSE U UPS Single Module And “1+N” (Expandable) 160/200/300/400kVA User Manual
1. Press the EPO button on the UPS door. This will disable rectifier, inverter, static switch and battery operation. The
Load will be de-energised.
Note: Except in an emergency situation, do not press any remote EPO button.
2. Open the UPS door to gain access to the power switches.
3. Open the input switch Q1.
4. Open the BCB, which is located in the BCB box.
5. Open the output switch Q5.
6. Open the bypass switch Q2.
7. Ensure that the maintenance bypass switch Q3 is open.
All LED indications and messages on the operator control and display panel will extinguish as the mains driven
internal power supplies decay.
8. To completely isolate the UPS from the AC supplies, the main external power input switches (both switches, where
split supplies are provided for rectifier and bypass) and external output switch must be opened and tagged with
warning labels accordingly.
5.8 EPO Procedure
The UPS provides an EPO button on the UPS door. The EPO button is designed to switch off the UPS in emergency
conditions (that is, fire, flood, etc.). To achieve this, just press and hold the EPO button for two seconds, and the
system will turn off the rectifier, inverter and stop powering the load immediately (including the inverter and bypass),
and the battery stops charging or discharging.
If the input utility is present, the UPS control circuit will remain active; however, the output will be turned off. To
remove all power from the UPS, the external feeder breaker should be opened.
5.9 UPS Reset Procedure
Once all appropriate measures have been taken to correct the problem indicated by the alarm message appearing on
the LCD, carry out this procedure to restore the UPS to regular operation following an EPO action or for the following
reasons: inverter overtemperature, cut-off overload, battery overvoltage, excessive switching, etc.
After confirming that the fault is cleared and there is no EPO signal:
1. Press the FAULT CLEAR button to clear all alarms.
The rectifier restarts, and the bypass supplies power to the load. When the rectifier starts, the rectifier LED flashes. When the
rectifier is in normal operation (about 15s later), the rectifier LED turns steady green.
2. Press and hold the INVERTER ON button for two seconds.
Five minutes after the overtemperature signal disappears, that is, when the overgemperature fault is eliminated, the rectifier will
automatically start.
After the EPO button is pressed, if the input utility is removed, the UPS will shut down completely. When input utility is
returned, if the bypass switch Q2 and output switch Q5 are closed, the UPS will start up on Bypass. There will be
power at the output terminals of the UPS.
If the maintenance bypass switch Q3 is closed and the mains input is available, the UPS has output.