44 Command Reference Guide
Service Commands
Change Service
Specify the name of the service to be established or modified.
Server>> [set |define |change] service
“servc_name” [TCPport_num] [port port_num]
[password “pass_txt”] [protocol] [enabled
“servc_name” Enter the name of the service to be
created or modified, enclosed in quotes. The
maximum length of service names depend on
the protocol: NetWare - 47, LAT - 16, Apple -
TCPport_num Enter the TCP/IP port number of the service to
be created. If this is omitted for a new service,
the printer server creates the services as a LAT-
only service. Enter the TCP/IP port number to
create a service that is a combined LAT-
compatible and TCP/IP service.
port_num Enter the port number on which the service is
being established. If on all ports, enter ALL.
RCF ports will not change, but the command
does affect virtual ports.
“pass_txt” Enter 1 to 16 characters, beginning with a letter
of the alphabet, and enclose the word in quotes.
To remove password protection from the
service, enter Password “ “. The default is none.
protocol Enter one of these protocols: AppleTalk, LAT,
NetBios, NetWare, TCP/IP.