– 7 – ETAsys.com
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
1. Trigger/StatusPortPinIdentification-All signals are of low voltage and current.
Note:Alldatasignalsarelowvoltageunder5V.DONOTMISWIRE or damage may occur.
(+) requires a minimum of 5-24V DC to activate the module with 5mA of current.
G Circuit Ground, Must be of the same circuit as the DCV source.
V AC Voltage Status Signal, this signal reports back to the ETA-ECS6RM the Incoming AC Mains Voltage to the ECM module.
A AC Current Status Signal, this signal reports back to the ETA-ECS6RM the AC Mains Current draw at the ECM module.
D Fault Status Signal, reports to the ETA-ECS6RM fault conditions of an ECM module.
2. ExternalTrigger/ManualOnSwitch–The ETA-20SH has a manual override switch allowing it to be used as a local Power
Conditioner and Surge Suppressor. For it to be remotely monitored and activated, the switch must be in the “External Trigger”
3. IncomingACLED–This LED will illuminate Red when the ECM has incoming AC power present at the module. This LED must
feeding the AC leg to the ECM module is On, 3) The internal fuse has been damaged, this should only be inspected by an
authorized technician.
4. ActiveLED–ThisLEDwillilluminateGreenwhentheECMmoduleManualSwitchisintheONpositionorthetriggercircuithas
sensed the proper DCV to activate the power on circuit.
5. ACFaultLED–If damage to the Spike Suppression circuit occurred this LED will illuminate Red. This LED will not turn Off until
6. ACMainsOutlet–Two 120V AC 20A outlets.
7. ACMainsPowerCord–9' (3m), 12-gauge
AC Power Conditioning & Suppression Module
1 4
3 75