EAServer 5.0 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for HP-UX 5
5.3 SSL certificates after upgrading
(CR #341222) When you upgrade from an earlier version of EAServer, the
installer upgrades the sample test certificates and installs new versions of the
Verisign CA certificates. The upgrade may leave obsolete copies of the
Sample1 Test ID and Sample2 Test ID certificates. You can delete these
manually using EAServer Manager or Security Manager. Delete the older
version of each certificate.
5.4 HTTP 1.1 support
(CR #343480) EAServer generates HTTP 405 “method not allowed” errors
when an HTTP request contains an absolute URI in the request-URI header.
5.5 Web services toolkit issues
The following are known issues in the EAServer 5.0 Web services toolkit.
5.5.1 Expired VeriSign root certificate
(CR #345070) The VeriSign root certificate has expired in the JDK 1.3 and 1.4
installations used by EAServer. As a result, publishing to the Microsoft UDDI
Registry throws a certificate expired exception. For more information on how
this problem may affect your applications, see
Sun alert notification 57436 at
. To workaround
this issue:
1 Shut down EAServer.
2 Download the most recent Verisign PCA root certificates from
the VeriSign
Web site at http://www.verisign.com/support/roots.html
3 Unzip the files to a temporary location, for example, /tmp.
4 Change to the bin directory in the JDK 1.4 installation used by EAServer.
Import the new certificates with the
keytool command. For example (all on
one line):
keytool -import -v -keystore $JAGUAR_JDK14/jre/lib/security/cacerts -
alias verisignclass3ca2028 -file "/tmp/VeriSign - Thawte Combined
When prompted, enter the JDK key store password. The default is
changeit. When prompted, accept the new certificate.