EAServer 5.0 7. Documentation updates and clarifications
Release Bulletin for HP-UX 9
6.2 PowerDynamo
EAServer 5.0 does not include PowerDynamo, though you can use an existing
PowerDynamo installation with this EAServer version. Sybase recommends
that you do not use PowerDynamo for new application development. Instead,
use the J2EE-standard Java servlet and JSP technologies. Support for
PowerDynamo will be removed from later versions of EAServer.
EAServer 5.0 includes the
Dyn2JSP utility to convert PowerDynamo™ Web
sites into JSP-based J2EE Web applications. Sybase recommends that you
migrate your PowerDynamo Web sites to the J2EE model. For information on
using the
Dyn2JSP utility, see the HTML documentation included in the
PDynamo2JSP directory of the installation.
Note The Dyn2JSP utility converts static-file or dynamic-file based sites. If
your site is stored in a database, export it to a dynamic-file site before running
the conversion.
6.3 Application Integrator
Application Integrator for CICS and Application Integrator for Stored
Procedures are no longer included with EAServer. These products will be made
available as open source on the
EAServer CodeXchange pages at
6.4 Earlier EAServer (Jaguar CTS) versions
Clients using IIOP and earlier versions of the EAServer (or Jaguar CTS®)
client runtime files can connect to EAServer 5.0. To manage EAServer 5.0, you
should use a 5.0 installation to run EAServer Manager,
jagtool, or a client that
calls the EAServer management APIs.
7. Documentation updates and clarifications
This section contains updates and clarifications for the EAServer product