FARGO electronic 1800 Network Card User Manual

Confidential, the whole present document is the sole property of Fargo Telecom (Asia) Ltd.
This feature making use of the Fargo Maestro Input/Output port as a sensor. If the signal to the port
match the pre-defined condition a stored AT command will be executed.
User can use AT+IOAT command to set the condition and store AT command to be executed.
5.1 Description of the operation
Wiring Diagram :
1. When the I/O port is connected to high 3V signal,
Switch closed : logic level high
Switch opened : logic level low.
2. The switch can be placed as a triggering device, e.g. to detect door opening.
3. According to the setting of AT+IOAT command, the stored AT command will be executed either
I/O signal from high to low, or from low to high :
When set as low-to-high triggering:
I/O port
I/O port volatge
time = T
Start counting time when
a low to high signal
changed detected
when period of high signal
reach the Threshold value
the AT command will be