Foxconn N570SM2AA Computer Hardware User Manual

Chapter 3 BIOS Description
PnP/PCI Configurations
PnP/PCI Configurations Menu
vReset Configuration Data
This option is used to set whether the system is permitted to automatically
distribute IRQ DMA and I/O addresses when each time that the machine is
turned on. The setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.
vResouces Controlled By
This option is used to define the system resource control scheme. If all cards
you use support PnP, then select Auto (ESCD) and the BIOS will automatically
distribute interruption resources. If the ISA cards you installed not support-
ing PnP, you will need to select Manual and manually adjust interruption
resources in the event of hardware conflicts. However, since this motherboard
has no ISA slot, this option does not apply.
vIRQ Resources
Press the <Enter> key, then manually set IRQ resources.
vPCI/VGA Palette Snoop
If you use a non-standard VGA card, use this option to solve graphic accelera-
tion card or MPEG audio card problems (e.g., colors not accurately displayed).
The setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.
vInit Display First
This option is used to set which display device will be used first when your PC
starts up.
vMaximum Payload Size
This option is used to set maximum TLP payload size for PCI Express devices.
The unit is byte.
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