Manual Code: C120-E323-05EN,
January 2012, Revision A
Accessing Important Information for SPARC Enterprise Series Servers
Before you deploy your server, check for the Product Notes for your server and other important information on the
following websites:
Global Site
http://www. fuj it su. com /spar cen te rpr ise /m anual/ no tes /
Japanese Site
http://jp.f uji ts u.c om/ platf orm /s erv er/ sp arcent er pri se/ ma nua l/not es
Accessing Documentation
The following websites provide the latest versions of SPARC Enterprise Series manuals:
Global Site
http://www. fuj it su. com /spar cen te rpr ise /m anual/
Japanese Site
http://jp.f uji ts u.c om/ platf orm /s erv er/ sp arcent er pri se/ ma nua l/
Documentation Feedback
If you have any comments or requests regarding this document, go to the following website and state the manual
code, documentation title, and your points specifically:
http://www. fuj it su. com /glob al/ co nta ct/ co mputin g/ spa rce _i nde x.htm l
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Copyright ® 2007, 2012, Fujitsu Limited. Tous droits réservés. Entrée et revue tecnical fournies par Oracle et/ou ses affiliés sur des parties de ce matériel.