Fujitsu MAP3367 Computer Drive User Manual

Command Specifications
3 - 44 C141-E167
Sense data cannot be sent due to a hardware error in the IDD
An unrecoverable error is detected on the SCSI bus.
A state appropriate to an overlapping command exception condition (see Section 1.7.1).
In cases other than the above, the sense data currently being held, or, when there are no sense data
being held, the sense data which indicate the state if an error occurred during execution of this
command, are sent to the INIT and it is terminated with a GOOD status. However, if an error which
has been recovered from by retry processing is detected during execution of this command, and if
the mode which reports "RECOVERED ERROR" is specified, this command is terminated with a
CHECK CONDITION status after sense data are sent to the INIT and sense data (RECOVERED
ERROR [=1]) which indicate the contents of that error are newly generated.
3.1.16 LOG SELECT (4C)
3 PC 000000
7 Parameter List Length (MSB)
8 Parameter List Length (LSB)
This command provides a means for an application client to manage statistical information
maintained by the IDD about IDD. The INIT can know the types of statistical information and the
current maintaining of each statistical information by using the LOG SENSE command.
A "Save Parameters (SP)" bit is one indicates that after performing the specified LOG SELECT
operation the drive will save all parameters to the disc medium. A "SP" bit of zero specifies that
parameters is not saved. It is not an error to set the "SP" bit to one and to set the DS bit of a log
parameter to one. In this case, the parameter value for that log parameter is not saved.
The "Parameter Code Reset (PCR)" bit of one and a "Parameter list length" of zero cause all
implemented parameters to be set to zero. It also clears the SMART Failure Warning and the
Thermal Warning. If the "PCR" bit is one and the parameter list length is greater than zero, the
command is terminated with CHECK CONDITION status(ILLEGAL REQUEST [=5] / INVALID
FIELD IN CDB [=24-00]). In this case, the log paramters are not cleared. A PCR bit of zero
specifies that the log parameters is not reset.
The "Page Control (PC)" bits specifies a kind and treatment content of parameters that changed by
this command as shown below.