SK-91F467-FLEXRAY V1.1
Jumpers and Switches
FMEMCU-UG-910017-11 - 24 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
3.4.1 MCU Power Supply Voltage
P21 With this jumper it is possible to connect the MCU external bus interface supply
VDD35 to 3.3V. The MCU MB91460 series supports the function to supply the MCU
with 5V so that the normal I/O ports work with 5V and supply the external bus
interface with 3.3V.
JP23 This jumper is used to connect the HVDD5 supply to MCUVcc. The HVDD5 is the
MCU supply voltage for the high current ports.
JP25 This jumper is used to connect the VDD5R MCU supply pins to MCUVcc
JP26 This jumper is used to connect the Vcc voltage to MCUVcc.
JP27 This jumper is used to connect the VDD5 MCU supply pins to MCUVcc
JP28 This jumper is used to connect the HVSS5 MCU pins to GND. HVSS5 are the GND
pins for the high current ports.
Jumper Setting Description
1-2 VDD35 connected to MCUVcc
2-3 VDD35 connected to 3.3V
ON (closed) HVDD5 connected to MCUVcc
OFF (open) HVDD5 not connected to MCUVcc
ON (closed) VDD5R connected to MCUVcc
OFF (open) VDD5R not connected to MCUVcc
ON (closed) MCUVcc connected to Vcc
OFF (open) MCUVcc not connected to Vcc
ON (closed) VDD5 connected to MCUVcc
OFF (open) VDD5 not connected to MCUVcc
ON (closed) HVSS5 connected to GND
OFF (open) HVSS5 not connected to GND
Default: grey
Table 3-7: MCU Power Supply SK-91F467-FLEXRAY
3.4.2 MCU Analogue Power Supply Voltage
The power supply as well as the reference voltage for the A/D-converter can be provided
internally or externally.
JP15 Connects power supply AVcc of the A/D converter to MCUVcc
JP16 Connects high reference voltage AVRH of the A/D converter to AVcc
JP18 Connects AVss of the A/D converter to GND
JP23, JP25, JP26, JP27 and JP28 can be used for
measurements of power consumption of the MCU.