Fujitsu MHV2120BH Computer Drive User Manual

5.3 Host Commands
C141-E224 5-95
Table 5.25 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command (3/3)
Word Value Description
117-118 X’0100’ Number of words for logical sectors
119 X’000x’ Features Implemented Word (Supported Settings)
120 X’000x’ Features Implemented Word (Enabled Settings)
121-127 X’0000’ Reserved
128 X’0xxx’ Security status *23
129-159 X’xxxx’ Undefined
160-254 X’0000’ Reserved
255 X’xxA5’ Check sum (The 2 complement of the lower order byte resulting from
summing bits 7 to 0 of word 0 to 254 and word 255, in byte units.)
*1 Word 0: General configuration
Bit 15: ATA device = 0, ATAPI device = 1
Bits 14-8: Undefined
Bit 7: Removable disk drive = 1
Bit 6: Fixed drive = 1
Bits 5-3: Undefined
Bit 2: IDENTIFY DEVICE Valid = 0
Bits 1-0: Reserved
*2 Word 1, 3, 6, 60-61
Word MHV2120BH MHV2100BH MHV2080BH MHV2060BH MHV2040BH
1 X’3FFF’ X’3FFF’ X’3FFF’ X’3FFF’ X’3FFF’
3 X’10’ X’10’ X’10’ X’10’ X’10’
6 X’3F’ X ’3F ’ X’3F’ X’3F’ X’3F’
60-61 X’DF94BB0’ X’BA52230’ X’950F8B0’ X’6FC7C80’ X’4A85300’
*3 Status of the Word 2 Identify information is shown as follows:
37C8h The device requires the SET FEATURES sub-command after the
power-on sequence in order to spin-up. The Identify information
is incomplete.