Can I have the user's name appear when logging on OfficeStation?
Yes, you can. In the initial screen of OfficeStation, select “Setup”
“TS Options”
“Edit” and screen same as the figure appears. Name
same as the one entered in the “User name” will appear on Windows log
on screen. Only English is supported and password can not be set on
the Windows logon screen.
I have changed screen resolution setting in Windows, however, resolution changes after log off and on again.
OfficeStation itself has ability to set screen resolution. In the initial
screen of OfficeStation, select “Setup”
“TS Options”
“Edit” and
screen same as the figure shown above appears.(resolution in the figure
may vary depending on the product) Resolution selected in this way
becomes the basis when logging on Windows and even if user sets
different resolution in Windows, resolution set in OfficeStation will
override when Windows is logoff and on again. Therefore, resolution
user wants should be set in OfficeStation. Click “Save” after selecting
desired resolution.