Display Refresh Hor. Pixel Color Depth (bpp)
Screen Rate Scan Clock 8bpp(256 color) 16bpp(65K color) 32bpp(16.7M)
Resolution (Hz) (KHz) (Mhz) Standard mode High mode True mode
60 31.5 25.2 P P P
72 37.9 31.5 P P P
75 37.5 31.5 P P P
640x480 85 43.3 36.0 P P P
90 45.4 37.8 P P P
100 50.9 43.1 P P P
120 61.8 52.4 P P P
160 84.3 72.8 P P P
200 108.0 95.0 * * *
60 37.9 39.9 P P P
70 43.7 45.5 P P P
72 48.1 50.0 P P P
800x600 75 46.9 49.5 P P P
85 53.7 56.3 P P P
90 56.8 60.0 P P P
100 63.6 68.1 P P P
120 77.1 83.9 P P P
160 105.4 116.4 P P P
200 135.0 149.0 * * *
60 48.4 65.0 P P P
70 56.5 75.0 P P P
72 57.6 78.4 P P P
1024x768 75 60.0 78.8 P P P
85 68.7 94.5 P P P
90 72.8 100.1 P P P
100 81.4 113.3 P P P
To be continued..
Radeon 8500 2D Single Display Modes
* No Guarantee
5.2.Resolutions and Color Depth Table