Gigabyte GA-3PXSL-RH Network Card User Manual

GA-3PXSL-RH Motherboard
Drive A
The category identifies the types of floppy disk drive A that has been installed in the computer.
None No floppy drive installed
360K, 5
in. 5.25 inch PC-type standard drive; 360K byte capacity.
1.2M, 5
in. 5.25 inch AT-type high-density drive; 1.2M byte capacity
(3.5 inch when 3 Mode is Enabled).
720K, 3
in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 720K byte capacity
1.44M, 3
in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 1.44M byte capacity.
2.88M, 3
in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 2.88M byte capacity.
Floppy 3 Mode Support
This is required to support older Japanese floppy drives. Floppy 3 Mode Support will allow reading
and writing of 1.2MB (as opposed 1.44MB) on a 3.5-inch diskette.
Disabled Normal Floppy Drive. (Default value)
Drive A Drive A is 3 mode Floppy Drive.
Drive B Drive B is 3 mode Floppy Drive.
Both Drive A & B are 3 mode Floppy Drives.
Halt On
This function allows system to halt when an error is detected during Power-On-Self -Test.
NO Errors The system boot will not stop for any error that may be detected and you
will be prompted.
All Errors Whenever the BIOS detects a non-fatal error the system boot will be
All, But Keyboard The system boot will not stop for all errors except a keyboard error.
(Default value)
All, But Diskette The system boot will not stop for all errors except a disk error.
All, But Disk/Key The system boot will not stop for all errors except keyboard and disk errors.