Software Management
Software Updates
Software Management
Software Updates
Check the HP ProCurve Web site frequently for switch software updates.
Downloading Switch Software and Documentation from the Web
You can download software updates and the corresponding product documentation from the HP ProCurve Web site as
described below.
To Download a Software Version:
Go to the HP ProCurve Web site at
To View or Download Product Documentation:
Note You will need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view the product documentation.
Go to the HP ProCurve Web site at www.hp.com/go/procurve/manuals.
1. Select the product for which you want documentation.
2. On the resulting Web page, double-click on a document you want.
3. When the document file opens, click on the disk icon in the Acrobat® toolbar to save a copy of the file.
Updating the Switch Software
After you acquire the new software file, you can use one of the following methods for downloading it to the switch:
■ For a TFTP transfer from a server, use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to do either of the following:
•Enter menu and select Download OS in the Main Menu of the switch’s menu interface. Then use the (default) TFTP
•Use the copy tftp command in the switch’s CLI (see below).
■ For an Xmodem transfer from a PC or Unix workstation, do either of the following:
•Enter menu and select Download OS in the Main Menu of the switch’s menu interface. Then select the Xmodem
•Use the copy xmodem command in the switch’s CLI (page 7).
■ Use your Web browser to access the embedded Web server on the switch. See the Help for instructions on updating
the swithc software.
■ Use the download utility in ProCurve Manager Plus. See the ProCurve Manager help system and documentation.