HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4 FAMILY Printer User Manual

HP Color LaserJet
5 and 5M Printers
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M printers use new HP Image
Resolution Enhancement technology 1200 (HP Image REt
1200) to project outstanding text, graphics, and more
vibrant colors than before.
The HP Color LaserJet 5M printer is network-ready with
genuine Adobe PostScript Level 2 software, 36 Mbytes of
memory, and an HP JetDirect card. The HP Color LaserJet
5 printer is upgradable so you can tailor it to suit the needs
of your particular environment.
HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M printers can use glossy paper
or transparency film for special output.
Modifications to the PCL language for HP Color LaserJet 5
and 5M printers are summarized in the table below and are
described in detail in the PCL 5 Color Technical Reference
Manual (P/N 5961-0940):
Feature Status Comments
Render Algorithm Command
Modified Five new algorithms have been added.
Configure Image Data Command
Modified Has unique functionality while in PCL Imaging mode.
Download Dither Matrix Command
Support Not supported.
Driver Configuration Command
Support Do not support all features of the function_index argument.
Download Pattern Command
Modified Restricts the width and height of a user pattern to less than
16384 pixels.
Scale Algorithm Command
Support Not supported.
Font Cartridges
Support Not supported. Customized fonts, if needed, can be utilized
via SIMMs.
Table 2-19. PCL Feature Modifications for HP Color LaserJet 5 and 5M Printers
Printer-Specific Differences 2-103