HP (Hewlett-Packard) 4 FAMILY Printer User Manual

Feature/Command Support Comments
Adaptive Compression System
New Adaptive compression system enables the printer to
compress internal raster data when memory becomes low.
This operation occurs automatically; there are no PCL
commands for this feature (refer to Chapter 5 for ADC
Configuration Command
New Allows PCL jobs to be printed (using LocalTalk or
EtherTalk MIO) using AppleTalk protocol.
Number of Copies
Modified Supports 1-32,767 copies as does the HP LaserJet IIISi
Units of Measure Command
New Allows selection of the units of measure for cursor moves,
drawing rules, and for character spacing (font metrics).
Page Size
Modified A parameter value is added for B5 envelope size; the HP
LaserJet 4 printer supports the four standard paper sizes
and five envelope sizes.
Bitmap Font Support
New Header Printer will expand 300 dpi bitmap fonts to 600 dpi. A new
300/600 dpi bitmap font descriptor has been added to
allow bitmap fonts to be created that work at either 1/300
or 1/600 inch printer resolution.
Scalable Font Support
New Header A new Universal header has been added to allow design of
typefaces of different scaling technologies to be supported
by one header. This header is used to support TrueType on
the HP LaserJet 4 printer. (This header will be used to
support any other new scaling technologies HP may add in
the future).
True Type
New TrueType scaling technology support has been added to
the printer.
Internal Typefaces
New Several new Intellifont and TrueType internal typefaces
(and supporting symbol sets) are now provided in the
Raster Resolution Command
Modified Parameter values have been added to support raster
resolutions of 200 dpi and 600 dpi.
User-defined Pattern
New Header A new 300/600 dpi user-defined pattern header has been
added to support patterns that work at either 1/300 or
1/600 inch printer resolution.
Continued on next page.
Table 2-3. PCL Feature Additions for HP LaserJet 4
Printer-Specific Differences 2-5