February 1998
Hardware Requirements
The following are the hardware requirements for installation of the Multiuser
feature server and client software:
H 486 processor, 66 MHz or higher PC (or compatible computer)
H 16 MB of RAM (32 MB of RAM recommended)
H Hard disk with 15 MB of free space and a minimum of 14 ms access time
H Super VGA (800 x 600 resolution) or higher with 256 colors
H Video accelerator card
H One of the following network interfaces:
— NDIS-compliant network adapter
— ODI network adapter
— Additional serial port
H 1 serial port for device communication
H LAN adapter or additional serial port
H 1 parallel port for a printer
H 101 keyboard
H Mouse
H 3.5″ 1.44 megabyte diskette drive
H DB-25 socket to 6-pin (RJ11) socket adapter (Part #002-0025-0031)