Storage federation on HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage can also help you improve availability in clustered
VMware environments.
Mixed workload - Mixed workload support serves transactional and throughput-intensive workloads from
a single device. The purpose-built HP 3PAR ASIC delivers mixed workload support to alleviate performance
concerns and cut traditional array costs. Transaction- and throughput-intensive workloads run on the
same storage resources without contention, thereby cutting array purchases in half.
Data at Rest Encryption - enables the encryption for all the data that is stored on the internal drives of the
3PAR StoreServ Storage. The 3PAR StoreServ Data Encryption solution encrypts and decrypts all data
written to and read from the media automatically. The 3PAR StoreServ Data Encryption solution encrypts
the data so that data cannot be read off a drive that is removed from the 3PAR Storage. In the event of a
failure of the drive or the theft of a drive, the proper authentication key is required to be entered to gain
access to the data stored within the drive. This method of encryption allows the user the comfort knowing
all data contained on the drive is protected against internal and external risks.
HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage
Standard Features
DA - 14433 North America — Version 17 — December 10, 2013
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