Hitachi Koki USA DDC 62N Copier User Manual

Energy Star Copiers have a feature that allows them to automatically turn off or “go
to sleep” after a period of inactivity, ensuring night and weekend shut off. This auto-
feature can reduce a copier’s annual electricity costs by over 60 percent. In addition,
high speed copiers will be set to automatically make double-sided copies. An
organization’s paper costs can be reduced by $60 a month and the volume of paper sent
into the waste stream will decline. It takes 10 times more energy to produce a piece of
paper than it does to make a single copy on a copier. Therefore, using less paper also
means decreased national energy consumption.
What is an Energy Star Copier?
Partner, Hitachi Koki Imaging
Solutions, Inc. has determined that this copier meets the
Guidelines for energy efficiency.