6.1. Basic printer operations
The most common printer operations are described in this section. Some are invoked using control codes
alone - the rest require escape sequences. For the sake of completeness, several instructions which are
part of the Epson FX-850 mode instruction sets, but which an HL Series printer ignores are included.
NUL (0) <00h>
NUL (ASCII code 0) is ignored.
BEL (7) <07h>
(ASCII code 7) is ignored.
SP (32) <20h>
The SP control code (ASCII code 32) moves the current print position one space to the right.
LPRINT CHR$(32); 'Print a space
BS (08) <08h>
• The BS control code (ASCII code 8) moves the current print position one space to the left.
• This code is only effective when used with left justification, which is the default justification mode.
LPRINT CHR$(8); 'Backspace
Carriage return
CR (13) <0Dh>
• The CR control code (ASCII 13) moves the print position to the left margin on the current line.
• If automatic line feed is on, this code moves the current print position to the left margin on the next
line. On some printers you can turn on automatic line feed using the control panel switches.
LPRINT CHR$(13); 'Carriage return
Line feed
LF (10) <0Ah>
• The LF control code (ASCII code 10) moves the current print position down one line, using the
current line space setting.
• This code does not cause a carriage return to be performed.
• If the print position is such that this operation would move it below the bottom margin, the current
page is ejected and the print position is moved to the top of the next page instead.
Form feed
FF (12) <0Ch>
• The FF control code (ASCII code 12) ejects the current page and moves the current print position to
the top of the next page, unless the current page is blank.
• This code does not cause a carriage return to be performed, hence the print position does not change
• If the current page is blank this control code has no effect.
LPRINT CHR$(12); 'Form feed