CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 64
<Intellifont-scalable contour data>
4 Contour Data size
6 Metric data offset
8 Character Intellifont data offset
10 Contour tree offset
12 XY data offset
Metric data
Character Intellifont Data
Contour tree data
XY coordinate data
<Continuation data for Intellifont scalable contour data>
Byte Data
0-1 Format Continuation
2 - 3 Continuous contour character data
Last Reserved Checksum
<Compound character data of Intellifont scalable font>
Byte Data
0-1 Format Continuation
2 - 3 Descriptor size Class
4 - 5 Compound character escarpment
6 - 7 piled character number ignore
8 - ... piled character list ( 6 byte x
characters )
Last Reserved checksum
• Format (UB) - specifies the character format.
Value Format
4 Bitmap font
10 Intellifont-scalable font
15 TrueType scalable font
• Continuation (B) - signifies whether the character data represents a new character (0) or is a continuation of
the character described by the previous character descriptor block and its data (non-zero). If the continuation
byte is non-zero the bytes following it are interpreted as character data.
• Descriptor size (UB) - specifies the character descriptor size in bytes.
• Class (UB) . indicates the character format.
Value Class
1 Bitmap
2 Compressed Bitmap
3 Contour (Intellifont scalable)
4 Compound Contour (Intellifont scalable)
15 TrueType Scalable
• Contour data size (UI) - specifies the contour data size.
• Metric Data offset (SI) - relative to the address of the contour data size field.
• Contour Tree Offset (SI) -relative to the address of the contour data size field.
XY Data Offset (SI) -relative to the address of the contour data size field.
• Metric Data
• Character Intellifont Scalable Data
• Contour Tree Data
• XY Coordinate Data
• Checksum - this value is placed at the end of the character data.
• Compound character escapement (SI)
• Piled character number (UB)
• Piled character list - includes some piled characters. Each of them is 6 bytes.