Pleasereferto theRadioModeparameterin theHX2ReferenceGuide. It isimportant
that this parametersettingcorresponds totheAccess Point towhichtheHX2
Setting Up AppLock
HX2devices areshippedtoboot inAdministrationmode. Inthis mode, theuserhas full
access tothedeviceandnopasswordis needed. Aftertheadministratorcompletes the
process below, theHX2switches toend-usermodeandrestricts access toonly the
1. TapStart > Settings > Control Panel > Administration icon.
2. Assignapplication(s)ontheApplicationtabscreen.
3. AssignapasswordontheSecuritytabscreen.
4. Select aview levelontheStatustabscreen, if desired.
5. TapOK.
6. Press thehotkey (Ctrl +Shift+A) sequenceto launchAppLock andlock the
7. Thedeviceis now inend-usermode.
Connecting Using RFTerm
Beforeyoumakeahost connection, youwill, at aminimum, needto know:
l thealias nameorIP address (Host Address) and
l theport number(Telnet Port) of thehost system toproperly set upyourhost
1. Makesurethemobileclient network settings areproperlyconfigured. If you
areconnectingvia WLAN (802.11x), make sureyourHX2is connectedto the
2. LaunchRFTerm by tappingtheRFTermicononthedesktop.
3. Select Session > Configurefrom theapplicationmenuandselect thehost
type. Thisis dependent onthehost system towhichyouareconnecting; i.e.,
3270mainframe, AS/4005250serverorVT host.
4. EntertheHost Addressof thesystem. This may eitherbeaDNSnameor
anIPaddress of thehost system.
5. Update thetelnet port number if yourhost applicationis configuredtolisten
onaspecific port. If not, usethedefault telnet port.
6. Select OK.