Honeywell HX3-QS Laptop User Manual

Install LXEConnect
1. EstablishanActiveSync connectionbetweentheHX3andalaptop/desktop.
2. Select Explore (ActiveSync) orFile Management (Windows MobileDevice
Center)from thePC interface.
3. Browse tothe\System\LXEConnect folderontheHX3usingtheexplorer
4. Copy theLXEConnect.msi andSetup.exefiles from theHX3tothePC.
5. Closetheexplorerdialogbox.
6. Execute theSetup.exefilethat was copiedto thePC.
7. Follow theonscreenprompts to installLXEConnect.
Using LXEConnect
1. EstablishanActiveSync connectiontotheHX3if onedoes not exist.
2. LaunchLXEConnect from thePC by selectingStart > Programs > LXE >
3. LXEConnect launches anddisplays theHX3desktop.
4. TheHX3canbeconfiguredfromtheLXEConnect window. Input from the
PC's keyboardandmouse arerecognizedas if they wereattachedtothe
5. Click theOK buttontodismiss theAbout CERDispdialogbox. Thedialogbox
automatically times out afterapproximately 30seconds if noactionis taken.
If any parameterchanges weremade, warmboot theHX3by clicking >
Run. Typewarmbootandclick OK.
7. Select File > Exitorclick theXintheupperright handcornertoclose
LXEConnect andthendisconnect theActiveSync session.
WarmbootingtheHX3terminates theActiveSync connection. Tomakeadditional
changes totheHX3, reconnect theActiveSync cableandlaunch LXEConnect again.
Rebooting the HX3
UsingtheStart menu, select Start > Run andtypewarmboot inthetext box. Press
WhentheHX3is booting, theremay besmalldelays whilethewireless client connects,
applications launch, remote management completes andBluetooth devices connect.