12 PRO-2200 Power Supply With Battery Backup PRO22E1PS
Installation Guide
Installation Instructions
1. Remove the PRO22E1PS from packaging material.
2. Remove the PRO22E1PL from the plastic bag. Place the LED end into the small
round hole at the bottom of the PRO22ENC1 or PRO22ENC2 (see diagram). Make
sure that the red LED is to the outside of the enclosure.
3. Remove the PRO22E1PO from the plastic bag. Feed the cable into the square hole at
the bottom of the PRO22ENC1 or PRO22ENC2 (see installation diagram on page 13).
It is important to make sure that the AC inlet will be facing out of the enclosure and
the enclosed power cord will be facing toward the rear when plugged in. Do Not Power
Up The Supply At This Time.
4. Connect the AC Power three prong connector to the PRO22E1PO cable.
5. Connect the Power On light two prong connector to the PRO22E1PL cable.
6. Make sure the remainder of the cables are pulled towards the front of the power
supply and that the AC and Power On light do not bind behind the power supply. Slide
the PRO22E1PS into the right-most card guide.
7. At this time, insure that the power supply is working correctly by the following:
a. Make sure the 12 VDC red and black cable ends and battery cables are separated
and not touching any metal.
b. Plug the PRO22E1PS into the supplied power cord and into a wall socket.
c. Check the voltage at the 12 VDC power cable to insure it is between 13.6 and
14.0 VDC
d. Check the battery cables to insure that they are also between 13.6 and 14.0 VDC.
e. Check that the red Power On LED is lit.
8. After disconnecting the power supply from the source, wire the 12 VDC to the PRO-
2200 I/O. The red wire is +12 VDC and the black wire is -12 VDC. Wire all I/O in
parallel. The PRO22DCC is also available as an option. Connect the power supply
cables to the daisy chain and the RS485 communications and the 12 VDC power will
be wired for the I/O. See individual panel installation manual for additional details. DO
9. Wire the Power Fail cable white wire into the PRO-2200 I/O PFL input and the black
wire into the common for that input.
10. Wire the Battery Fail cable to an auxiliary input and rename the input using front end
software WIN PAK PRO Release 3 with service pack 1 or higher.
11. Wire the grounding cable to the grounding stud. The enclosure may be grounded using
the power supply or a separate ground wire, BUT NOT BOTH!
12. Connect the battery cables to the backup battery if required. The red cable connects
to the positive (+) terminal on the battery and the black cable to the negative (-)
terminal of the battery. Connect only the red positive battery cable at this time.
Connect the black negative cable when the power supply is powered up. The battery
may be placed directly in front of the power supply for a 4 amp hour or 7 amp hour
battery. The battery may also be placed above the card rack if wiring allows.