The displayed characters from the write-in position to the end position on
the same row are erased. The write-in position is not shifted.
1B 5C 3F 4C 44 Ps
Luminance can be adjusted into six levels by using this command. The data
byte following the command sequence (represented by Ps in the preceding
command format), changes the dimming level. When the module is turned
on, the level is set to 5 (100%).
Ps Luminance %
0 (X'30') 0
1 (X'31') 31.6
2 (X'32') 45
3 (X'33') 58.8
4 (X'34') 79.4
5 (X'35') 100 (default)
Cursor mode
1B 5C 3F 4C 43 Ps
This command is only available in 5x7-dot screen mode. The data byte
following the command sequence (represented by Ps in the preceding
command format), changes the cursor mode. The cursor is always
displayed at the write-in position. The cursor is formed by five dots that are
located at the bottom of 5x7-dot matrix character font.
Ps Mode
0 (X'30') No lighting (default)
1 (X'31') Blinking
2 (X'32') Lighting
No Lighting The cursor does not display. This is the default setting
when power is turned on.
Blinking The cursor flashes ON and OFF every 0.3 seconds at the
blank digit.
Lighting The cursor displays. If the write-in position is assigned to
the position at which a character is displaying, the cursor
displays instead of the character.
Screen mode
1B 5C 3F 4C 53 Ps
The data byte following the command sequence (represented by Ps in the
preceding command format), changes the screen mode.
Input/output device commands
Appendix A. Input/output device commands A-11