
v Devices and I/O Ports
Select this choice to view or change assignments for devices and input/output
(I/O) ports, to configure remote console redirection, to enable or disable
integrated Ethernet controllers and all standard ports (such as serial and USB),
and to view the system MAC addresses. If you disable a device, it cannot be
configured, and the operating system will not be able to detect it (this is
equivalent to disconnecting the device). If you disable the integrated Ethernet
controllers and no Ethernet adapter is installed, the server will have no Ethernet
For a SATA model, you can also select this choice to view or change the
interface mode for a SATA port. To view or change the mode, select
Programming Interface for a SATA Port.
Native mode: Standard PCI resource steering is used.
Combined mode: Native mode plus legacy mode is used. In legacy mode,
standard IDE I/O and IRQ resources (IRQ 14 and 15) are assigned.
This choice is on the full Configuration/Setup Utility menu only.
v Date and Time
Select this choice to set the date and time in the server, in 24-hour format
This choice is on the full Configuration/Setup Utility menu only.
v System Security
Select this choice to set passwords. For more information about passwords, see
“Passwords” on page 48.
This choice is on the full Configuration/Setup Utility menu only.
Administrator Password
Select this choice to set or change an administrator password. An
administrator password is intended to be used by a system administrator; it
limits access to the full Configuration/Setup Utility menu. If an administrator
password is set, the full Configuration/Setup Utility menu is available only if
you type the administrator password at the password prompt. For more
information, see “Administrator password” on page 49.
Power-on Password
Select this choice to set or change a power-on password. For more
information, see “Power-on password” on page 48.
v Startup Options
Select this choice to view or change the startup options, such as the startup
sequence, the keyboard NumLock state, the option ROM execution priorities,
whether displayless operation is enabled, whether to restart on POST/BIOS error,
and other startup considerations. You can also select this choice to enable or
disable hard disk drive self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology
(SMART). Changes in the startup options take effect when you restart the server.
Select the option ROM execution-priority choices (Planar PXE/DHCP Priority
and PCI Device Boot Priority) to specify the sequence in which channels are
checked during startup to load and execute the ROMs for optional devices. This
enables you to tailor the ROM load-and-execution sequence for maximum
efficiency. Planar PXE/DHCP Priority specifies the priority of network-related
ROMs relative to local PCI device ROMs; PCI Device Boot Priority specifies the
priority of ROMs for devices connected to the SAS/SATA controller on the system
board and to adapters in expansion slots 1 and 2.
The startup sequence specifies the order in which the server checks devices to
find a boot record. The server starts from the first boot record that it finds. For
Chapter 3. Configuring the server 45