IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Hardware
Announcement ZG10-0214
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
Financing Power Systems solutions from IBM Global Financing can help customers
acquire more from existing budgets while helping them conserve cash, and provides
a comprehensive end to end multi vendor IT financing solution. This end-to-end
approach helps form the foundation of a cohesive technology management strategy
that can be superior to ownership. We can help reduce costs compared to purchase,
increase ROI, lower Total Cost of Ownership, minimize risk, improve accountability,
and enable customers to focus on their core business strategies while giving
customers the ability to make flexible equipment decisions throughout the entire
technology life cycle.
Through our IBM Project Financing
program, credit-qualified customers can obtain
funding to design and build their entire IT infrastructure, aligning up-front costs
to expected project benefits. This could include financing for select facility design
and construction, building and structural upgrades, infrastructure equipment, IT
hardware, software, services and consulting. Through our Global Asset Recovery
Services' buyback program customers can obtain cash for marketable IT assets and
dispose of non-marketable assets in a way that complies with environmental laws
and regulations.
IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit LLC in the United
States, and other IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial
and government customers. For all customer segments offerings, rates, financing
terms, offering type, equipment type, and options, may vary by country. Other
restrictions may apply. Rates and offerings are subject to change, extension, or
withdrawal without notice.
Announcement countries
All European, Middle Eastern, and African countries
POWER7, Active Memory, EnergyScale, PowerVM, Express Servers, Micro-
Partitioning, POWER6, Power Systems, Hypervisor, POWER5, Focal Point, Electronic
Service Agent, HACMP, ServiceSuite and IBM Project Financing are trademarks of
IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Power, Express, AIX, IBM and pSeries are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation
in the United States, other countries, or both.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other
countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other
ThinkVision is a registered trademark of Lenovo Corporation in the United States,
other countries, or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of
Terms of use
IBM products and services which are announced and available in your country
can be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions,
and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw this
announcement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for
your information only. Reference to other products in this announcement does not
necessarily imply those products are announced, or intend to be announced, in your
country. Additional terms of use are located at