Appendix B. FLEX-ES parameters 77
end R10A3990
R10A3088: cu 3172
interface local(1)
options ‘ipaddress=’
device(00) 3172 eth0
device(01) 3172 OFFLINE
end R10A3088
end R10A
A resources block must have a name; R10A is used in this example. Each set of resources
in the block must also have a name. Each set name should match a name in a cu statement
in the system definition. The general syntax for defining a resource set is:
resourcename: cu cutype
end resourcename
You assign a resource name. It must follow the FLEX-ES rules for names. The name is
followed by a colon and the keyword cu. The cutype must be one of the cutypes known to
FLEX-ES. This is followed by whatever parameters are needed to specify the particular
device(s) being defined. The keyword end is then followed by the resource name.
The memory definition is needed only if your system contains an FSI parallel channel
adapter (either model) or ICA adapter. The parameter value is normally 1.03*memsize,
where the memsize is specified in the system definition.
You will need to consult the full
FLEX-ES documentation to understand server memory management when parallel channel
adapters are used. If you do not have a parallel channel adapter or ICA adapter, you should
omit the memory definition in the resources block.
In the following paragraphs, we show examples of commonly used device resource
definitions and describe parameters used for each device type.
CKD disk resources
R10A3990: cu 3990
interface local(1)
device(00) 3390-1 /s390/.....
device(01) 3390-3 /s390/.....
device(02) 3390-3 OFFLINE
device(10) 3390-3 /s390/..... devopt ‘writethroughcache,trackcachesize=50’
device(11) 3390-1 /s390/.....
end R10A3390
The interface local(1) parameter means that the defined devices are local (on the same
server running FLEX-ES) and that there is one path (channel + control unit) pointing to these
Multiple paths are typically found when running multiple S/390 instances (that is,
emulating multiple S/390 systems at the same time) and sharing control units among the
multiple instances. Shared DASD is the most common example of this.
If multiple S/390 instances are used, the situation is more complex. The maximum memory parameter is the
smaller of 512 MB or 3/8 of the server real memory size.
FLEX-ES can use remote resources. For example, a separate UNIX server (connected via TCP/IP) could contain
emulated 3390 volumes, but not contain an emulated S/390. We believe that new ThinkPad/EFS users are unlikely
to use remote resources while getting started with EFS operation and we do not further describe remote resources in
this redbook.