UPC Settings:
Enable/Disable UPC-A
UPC-A is a fixed format symbology and there are no variations allowed.
If enabled, UPC-A symbology will be read, subject to the reading
restrictions specified by this set of options. If disabled, the data from
the symbology will be disregarded.
G1<ENTER>A for UPC-A Enable
G1<ENTER>B for UPC-A Disable
Enable/Disable UPC-E
UPC-E is a special version of the UPC-A specification. It is a fixed
format symbology and there are no variations allowed. If disabled, the
data from the symbology will be disregarded.
G1<ENTER>C for UPC-A Enable
G1<ENTER>D for UPC-A Disable
Send Number System Digit
The first encoded digit in the UPC-A symbol is the number system
digit. If enabled, the first digit of the transmitted data stream is the
number system digit followed by the manufacturer’s number. If dis-
abled, then the first digit transmitted is part of the manufacturer’s
G1<ENTER>E for Send Number Digit
G1<ENTER>F for Do Not Send Number Digit
Send Check Digit
The check digit is mandatory in the UPC symbology. If enabled, the
reader will send the decoded check digit as the last character in the
data stream transmitted. If not, the check character will be suppressed
before transmission.
G1<ENTER>G for Send Check Digit
G1<ENTER>H for Do Not Send Check Digit
UPC-E Expansion:
The UPC-E symbology uses a special algorithm to suppress zeros in
the encoded data. The suppressed information can be restored by
either the Omni reader or the host system. If enabled, the reader will
restore the data to its original format. If the host system is set up to do
the expansion, then this option should not be used.
G1<ENTER>I for Expand UPC-E
G1<ENTER>J for Do Not Expand UPC-E
Read Two-Digit Addendum
If enabled, the reader will decode the two-digit secondary symbol when
it is scanned with the primary symbol, and add the data to the end of
the transmission. If not, any two-digit secondary symbol will be
G1<ENTER>K for Read Two-Digit Addendum
G1<ENTER>L for Do Not Read Two-Digit Addendum
Read Five-Digit Addendum
This option operates in the same manner as the Read Two Digit
Addendum option except it enables the reading of a five digit second-
ary symbol.
G1<ENTER>M for Read Five-Digit Addendum
G1<ENTER>N for Do Not Read Five-Digit Addendum