Projector Control
Page 4 Version 1.
This document describes the Communication Protocol between a Proxima® Projector and a Computer (Host).
By using this connection the Host will be able control the projector.
This document is HEX command based only and a regular Terminal program like hyperterminal etc. can
therefore not directly be used unless the COM port are activated by the user. This document is aimed at control
systems in general which is HEX based.
The Function is grouped in four different function types:
Function type Comments
Execute An execute function executes an action on the projector, i.e.
only one state.
State A State function performs a set operation from a predefined
list of states. Not all values in the range
have to be legal.
State String As state but returns ASCII strings
Adjust An adjust function is characterized by Maximum >
Minimum. And all the integer values between Minimum and
Maximum are legal.
Table 4
4.1 Message Formats
The message is always divided in a header and a body part:
Message Head (7Byte) Message Body (6Byte)
4.1.1 Message Head
The message head has the following structure:
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6
Magic Number Body size CRC
0xEF 0x80 0x06 0x00 CRC_lo CRC_hi
Table 5
All values is in hexadecimal indicated with the leading 0x. The Magic number is used for synchronizing the start of a
message. The Body size is set to the number of bytes contained in the Body part of the message.