Projector Control
Page 6 Version 1.
The Serial protocol returns an acknowledgment (“return code”) for every packet sent. If
the host sends a packet, then the projector acknowledge the receipt of this packet. The return codes are detailed in the table
Command Return Code Name Return Code Value Description
ACK 0x06 Packet acknowledged – no errors. Normal
response when receiving
NAK 0x15 Packet not acknowledged – some error occurred in
receiving this packet. Usually
Indicates a CRC error.
ERR 0x1C 0xXXXX Packet was received OK, but an error occurred
when executing the command contained in the
Packet. The two bytes following the 0x1C
(0xXXXX) are the error code
VAL 0x1D 0xXX 0xYY Packet value returned. This return code will be
sent in response to a Operation packet of type
OPERATION_GET. The first byte after 0x1D
(0xXX), is the least-byte of the returned value. The
0xYY is the most significant-byte of the returned
STRING Strings 0x06 ASCII Strings and at last ACK
Table 8
Example 1: Set
Host: Projector
Operation Set Packet =>
<= ACK
Example 2: Get
Operation Get Packet =>
<= VAL
VAL=0x1D 0x00 0x03 means that 0x0300 is returned
Example 3: Hex sequence for Set Brightness to 70% => 0.7*255 = 178 = 0xB2
0xBE 0xEF 0x80 0x06 0x00 0x2E 0x04 0x01 0x00 0x11 0x00 0xB2 0x00
Magic number Body size CRC Op.type Function Value
7byte Message Head 6byte Message Body
Example 4: Hex sequence for power on (with CRC deactivated)