1.3 Change Male Docking Valve Complete
• Drawings/Component lists: T2X-16-500-IR/-501-IR/-505-IR
This operation requires, the following special tools and preparations:
• Mounting paste
a) Remove the cover plate (9) by removing the three screws (14).
• Take off the docking unit (1) by removing the four nuts and washers (16 and 17).
b) It is recommended to remove one of the clamps before continuing the dismounting of the docking
c) Loosen the three set screws (21 on T2X-15-511-IR) and remove Pt100 sensor (9 on T2X-16-511-
IR) and heating pins (10 on T2X-16-511-IR).
d) Unscrew the 4 hexagon screws (18 on T2X-16-502-IR/-503-IR) and dismantle the valve complete
(5 on T2X-16-502/-503) from the docking unit. Disconnect the air hose, lubrication hoses and the
electric connection.
Now the complete valve can be replaced.
Note: To do maintenance work on the male docking valve, see chapter 1.6.2. To do maintenance
work on the female docking valve, see “Doser” Maintenance Manual Form 45532660.
e) Reassemble the heating pins (10 on T2X-16-511-IR) (with mounting paste) and the Pt100 sensor
(9 on T2X-16-511-IR) (without mounting paste). Secure the heating pin and temperature sensor
with the three set screws (21 on T2X-16-511-IR). Connect the air hose and the lubrication hoses.
f) When mounting the valve complete: The two alignment pins (17 on T2X-16-502-IR/-503-IR) are
used for guidance. Mount the 4 screws (18 on T2X-16-502/-503).
g) Mount the docking unit (1 on T2X-16-500-IR/-501-IR/-505-IR).
h) Mount the cover plate (9 on T2X-16-500-IR/-501-IR/-505-IR).