NVM Information Guide—ICH8
1.4.20 LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults (Word 18h)
This NVM word specifies the hardware defaults for the LEDCTL register fields controlling
the LED0 (LINK/ACTIVITY) and LED2 (LINK_100) output behaviors.
Table 16. LED Modes
Mode (Bits
Selected Mode Source Indication
0000b LINK_10/1000
Asserted when either 10 Mb/s or 1000 Mb/s link is established
and maintained.
0001b LINK_100/1000
Asserted when either 100 Mb/s or 1000 Mb/s link is
established and maintained.
0010b LINK-UP Asserted when any speed link is established and maintained.
Asserted when link is established and packets are being
transmitted or received that passed MAC filtering.
Asserted when link is established and when there is no
transmit or receive activity.
0101b LINK_10 Asserted when a 10 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
0110b LINK_100 Asserted when a 100 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
0111b LINK_1000 Asserted when a 1000 Mb/s link is established and maintained.
1000b Reserved Reserved.
1001b FULL_DUPLEX Asserted when the link is configured for full duplex operation.
1010b COLLISION Asserted when a collision is observed.
Asserted when link is established and packets are being
transmitted or received.
1100b BUS_SIZE Asserted when the MAC detects a 1-lane PCIe* connection.
1101b PAUSED Asserted when the MAC transmitter is flow controlled.
1110b LED_ON Always asserted.
1111b LED_OFF Always de-asserted.
Table 17. LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults (Word 18h)
Bit Name Default Description
15 LED2 Blink 0b
This bit indicates the initial value of the LED2_BLINK field.
0b = LED2 is non-blinking.
1b = LED2 is blinking.
14 LED2 Invert 0b
This bit indicates the initial value of the LED2_IVRT field.
0b = LED2 has an active low output.
1b = LED2 has an active high output.
13 LED2 Blink Mode 0b
This bit defines the LED2 blink mode:
0b = Blink at 200 ms on and 200 ms off.
1b = Blink at 83 ms on and 83 ms off.
Note: This field should be identical to the LED0 Blink Mode.
12 Reserved 0b This bit is reserved and should be set to 0b.
11:8 LED2 Mode 0110b
These bits represent the initial value of the LED2_MODE field,
which specifies the event, state, or pattern displayed on LED2
(LINK_100) output. A value of 0110b causes this to indicate
100 Mb/s operation.