Intel AR-B1890 Personal Computer User Manual

AR-B1890 User’s Manual
PC Health Stutas
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
PC Health Status
Item Help Shutdown Temperature [ 60°C~140°F ]
VCPU 1.26V
VMemory 1.76V
V3.3V 3.26V
V5V 4.97V
V+12V 11.77V
V-12V (-)11.78V
V5VSB 4.97V
Voltage Battery 3.15V
Temperature CPU 51°C
Temperature GMCH 37°C
Temperature System 27°C
Fan CPU Speed 5273 RPM
Fan System Speed 0 RPM
Menu Level >
↑↓→←:Move Enter:Select //PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults
Shutdown Temperature This option allows you to set the temperature
Monitoring function feature of the board. The
Values are read-only as monitored by the
system and show the PC health status.