mP4G/mP4GL Series Motherboard
User’s Manual
Hardware Configuration Jumpers
Jumper JDIMMVOLT1: DDR Memory Voltage
This jumper sets the operating voltage supplied to DDR
DIMMs installed in the board’s DIMM sockets. The de-
fault setting is the normal voltage. The alternate voltage
settings are for use in overclocking. If you are not
overclocking the system, you don’t need to change this
jumper setting.
Jumper JUSBV1: USB Standby Voltage
This jumper controls the voltage to the USB ports. The
default setting is for standard 5V operation. The alter-
nate setting configures the USB ports to also operate with
a standby voltage of 5V. This allows the system to wake
up from an S3 Suspend state. If you anitcipate using this
Suspend mode, you should set this jumper to the alter-
nate setting.
JDIMMVOLT1: DDR Memeory Voltage
Setting Function
Open 2.5-Volt [Default]
Short 1-2 2.6-Volt
Short 3-4 2.7-Volt
Short 5-6 2.8-Volt
Short 7-8 2.9-Volt
JUSBV1: USB Standby Voltage
Setting Function
Short 1-2 USB Voltage 5-Volt [Default]
Short 2-3 USB Standby Voltage 5-Volt
DDR Voltage:
Default – 2.5V
Pin 8
Pin 7
Pin 2
Pin 1
JUSBV1 USB Voltage:
Default – 5V
Pin 1